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Event Planning

Event Security

Do you need a security presence at your event? Every event is unique in its needs and scope. Event planners should consider the size of the crowd and the type of crowd the event will host. For instance, dances, outdoor theaters, band competitions, and other similar events will usually require a police presence if the crowd is expected to be close to or larger than 2,000 people. However, smaller crowds may still require security simply due to the nature of the event.

Other events like fun runs or parades may also require services from our department to facilitate traffic control and direction.

Event planners should first contact Campus Scheduling. Typically, Campus Scheduling will coordinate with our department to make sure that ample security is available at the event.

Ultimately, the aim of our department is to help your organization have a successful and safe event. Please feel free to contact our department if you have any questions or concerns about event security.

Scheduling your event

Requests will be reviewed Monday - Friday. Since the office is closed on weekends and holidays, requests made during those times will not be received until the following workday. Please allow us at least two working days to clear the event and provide necessary approvals. Requests that are submitted less than two weeks prior to the requested event will be subject to a late fee for services.

Considerations for 5K Fun Run

Click here to view a map of the BYU approved 5K Fun Run route.

This is for use by pedestrians only. BYU will not approve any fun run in excess of the 5K limit. Bicycle racing will not be approved to use on the course. For venues that will accommodate bicycles and/or runs in excess of 5K, promoters and sponsors are advised to seek facilities away from the BYU campus.

Fun Runs will not be scheduled on days with conflicting major events on campus, such as home football games.

The 5K Route requires the use of 5 traffic officers. Your department or organization will be billed a minimum of two hours per officer.

To request an estimate or further information from the BYU Police, call (801) 422-5215 or by e-mail: